Platform Features

Build and configure the system to fit your needs!

Depend on you system type you will create accounts in the system. Those accounts can represent two types of assets in the system:

  • - Users, represent people that are ready to take the tasks
  • - Objects, represent a moving assets that you want to track

You add a user to a system by providing a name and email address. An email is optional.

When object is created you will be able to see it on a list with special generated code. This code will be used in a mobile application.

If you invited user instead of creating object a user will receive an invitation email:

This code is important. When you work with object you use this code with an external apps that will require this to work. We will focus here on invited users. When user receive the code he can download a mobile application called "". He simply use this code to enter the system

When user enter the code he's able to see his personal workspace and his current location. As you see below he doesn't have any tasks assigned to him so it's empty.

To learn how this app works have a look at app and task assignment tutorial. For now there are couple of things you should know about that functionality: When user is active, you will see that on users list (green status)

You will also see the current position of a users on a map:

This user will share his position all the time when he's set to being active. So you know where he currently is. The location of a user is important. Because the matching mechanisms both manual and automatic will tell you the best possible candidate for a task based on that. You have a control over invited users in a users section:

  • - You can send him a message directly to mobile app (For example: Hurry a client is waiting)
  • - You can check history of his movemenet:
  • - You can block him. When user is blocked he will not be able to take any new tasks and logon to the app

That's how you manage users and objects. Have a look at mobile app description to see how users interact with a system by app